Larry Lister

Larry Lister's Fundraiser

Help me sponsor 40 DREAAMers in our Dream Big! Learning Centers, which provide for safe in-person remote learning, social/emotional support, mentoring, and enrichment activities for underserved boys in our community image

Help me sponsor 40 DREAAMers in our Dream Big! Learning Centers, which provide for safe in-person remote learning, social/emotional support, mentoring, and enrichment activities for underserved boys in our community

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.


$465 towards $5,000

Please join me in supporting real and positive change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us provide essential programming and assistance for our DREAAMers during this pandemic.

I am personally involved in the DREAAM program and can attest to the great work these volunteers and mentors have on Black and Minority at-risk males ages 5 through 24. Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for DREAAM Opportunity Center.